James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
About © Rebecca Saunders

Dew pond restoration to help provide vital habitat for wildlife

We’re helping support The South Downs Trust in contributing to their campaign to renature the South Downs National Park to 33% and one of the projects which is helping to realise this is Dew Pond Restoration.

Originally created to supply water to livestock, dew ponds have always been crucial in supporting all manner of wildlife, all the more needed with the onslaught of climate change.

Over 70% of the national park’s ponds are in poor condition or have been filled in completely over the years by modern agricultural practices.

Restoring and protecting the ponds will improve water availability and quality as well as create an important nature corridor for many species such as reptiles, birds, bats and rare types of algae.

Visitor access will also be included in the project. To learn more about this vital work and how you can visit restored ponds visit The South Downs Trust.

© Charlie Hellewell
© Daniel Greenwood
© Daniel Greenwood