James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
About © Winchester Hospice

Continued support for the Winchester Hospice

The Winchester Hospice has been open for a year and is the only hospice available in Winchester. This means that patients with complex needs, who might otherwise have been admitted to a hospice, were dying on busy hospital wards. The newly refurbished hospice is transforming palliative and end of life care for people living in and around the city.

Since opening their doors in September 2021, they’ve received over 206 inpatient referrals and provided their services to these patients and their families, helping them to live as well as possible at the end of their lives: with dignity, pain-free and in a comfortable and home-like environment.

The hospice also has an award-winning garden, designed specifically to create peace for patients to relax in, as well as a garden room which can be enjoyed all year round. We’re huge advocates of supporting nature and the therapeutic benefits it provides for people.

The Hospice’s annual running costs are extremely high and as such we’re pleased to offer further support to help enable them to continue delivering their vital services to patients and their loved ones.

Look at Winchester Hospice for their events and fundraisers or to make a donation to their Allium Meadow