James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
About © Pete F

Funding RSPB bird nesting boxes within our community

We know that nature desperately needs our help and that bird numbers, amongst other species, are rapidly declining. Yet on the positive, we also know that little changes made towards supporting nature can help it to restore and thrive once again.

One of the things we’ve done this year is to fund RSPB bird nesting boxes to be installed into various community locations in Hampshire which are suitable for specific wildlife. The project was initially set up 4 years ago by the charity Welcome To Our Future, who install different sized nesting boxes and feeding tables for various birds such as Owl, Kestrel, Starling, Sparrow, Swift, Blackbirds and others.

These boxes provide a safe haven for them to nest and raise young which of course helps them to restore their numbers. Each one is designed specifically for different breeds of birds, their needs and the sort of environment they require to flourish, taking into consideration each type of bird’s hunting habits.

We’ve funded an array of different sized boxes to be installed into over 10 locations within our local community including Oakhaven Hospice in Lymington, Rowans Hospice in Purbrook and St. Marys Church in Itchen Stoke. Our hope is that not only will they support wildlife but they’ll also bring hope and joy to people visiting these places.

© David George
© Joshua J Cotten
© Nancy Hann