James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
About © James Ratchford

Woodland Trust and AirS young Carers Event

The James Tuttiett Charitable Trust was delighted to provide financial support to the Woodland Trusts campaign, The Lost Woods Appeal. This involves working with communities, volunteers, and landowners to restore and manage fragmented ancient woods in an area of Sussex that is often neglected, sitting as it does between the designated landscapes of the South Downs National Park and Low Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The Lost Wood of the Low Weald is a five year partnership supported by Action in Rural Sussex, Sussex Wildlife Trust and Small Woods Association. The Woods Appeal will bring back to life neglected and fragmented ancient woods to boost biodiversity and revitalise woodland skills so that these often forgotten, Lost Woods, become Loved Woods.

The programme is made up of 19 projects with themes such as Creating Resilient Landscapes, Growing Woodland Connections and enhancing skills, confidence and knowledge. Since the launch, the Lost Woods Mobile Hub has been busy helping to create connections by taking information and activities to local community events such as markets, fetes and festivals during the summer. One such event was the AirS young carer event which allowed young carers to connect with their local woodland.

More information about the Lost Woods Appeal can be found here www.lostwoods.org.uk

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Lost Woods

© Lost Woods