James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
About © Devon Wildlife Trust

HIWWT Beaver Project Update

Since our last update, the HIWWT team have been busy compiling a large amount of data and digital mapping required for the ecological assessment part of the wild beaver release licence. This assessment considers existing protected wildlife species as well as any designation or protection the site might have. It looks at the potential impact’s beavers could have and outlines the management options if any special or rare features are at risk.

Research has been undertaken within the East Yar floodplain which has shown that as well as a nature reserve under the HIWWT management, where there is abundant beaver habitat, the river upstream is well-buffered by riverside wetlands and woodland. In addition, much of the habitat urgently requires re-wetting and coppicing which is exactly the management that beavers would bring. At least 22 of these floodplain habitats are designated as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation ( SINCs) for their local wildlife value but are currently drying out and losing their biodiversity.

As nature’s aquatic engineers, beavers can restore our wetlands, bringing back biodiversity that has been lost. However, to do this they require space alongside our watercourses and so this Spring the Trust is collaborating with landowners along the river.

Despite the disappointing and continuing delays from the UK government in publishing their national beaver strategy, the Isle of Wight project is confident that they will be of the first in England to submit a wild release beaver licence.

The Trust has also embarked on a considerable amount of public engagement work including 50 presentations, 15 guided walks, 12 public events and many stakeholder meetings, which has demonstrated strong public support for the project with more planned for this year. For more information please visit Beaver | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (hiwwt.org.uk)

© Devon Wildlife Trust – Woodland Beaver Dam