James Tuttiett Charitable Trust
James Tuttiett Charitable Trust

Momentum in Fitness

About © Momentum in Fitness
Last year the James Tuttiett Charitable Trust made a donation to Momentum in Fitness a Hampshire based charity that provides and facilitates accessible fitness sessions for local people across Hampshire.
Momentum in Fitness aims to break down and overcome the barriers which prevent some individuals and groups in our community from being physically active.
Project:Teens works with a special education school to deliver weekly group exercise sessions for young people with social, emotional and mental health needs, who struggle to participate in mainstream classes.
Momentum in Fitness sessions provide the opportunity for these young people to be active and to learn and progress new skills in weightlifting and gymnastics, whilst also developing core values and behaviours that are grounded in sports and group training.
The money donated by the JTCT enabled the charity to:
Plan and deliver weekly exercise sessions by professional coaches for
10-14 young people per week over 20 weeks
The purchase of specialist gym equipment for children
PE kits for our young people, many of whom didn’t have this on joining
Facility rental over 20 weeks, to provide a suitable and safe environment
Administration and support costs including data analysis, project oversight and marketing
The impact of the sessions on young people includes:
Increased levels of physical activity amongst a typically inactive group
Greater understanding of the benefits of exercise on health and how to move safely
Improved mood, enjoyment and wellbeing
Increased self-confidence and self-belief and trying a sport they may not have been able to access
Increased motivation and focus in other areas of schooling and improved behaviour at school in the lead up to and after the sessions
Improved group behaviours such as celebrating others’ successes and teamwork
After a successful first year, the charity is now due to embark on two further projects, Project: PiamBrown which provides personalised exercise therapy sessions to children with cancer who are receiving treatment on the Piam Ward at Southampton’s Children’s Hospital and Project: Fit4Life which provides weekly movement classes for older people, to increase activity levels and improve physical health, strength and mobility whilst helping to reduce social isolation and loneliness. For more details momentumcharity